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How to delete a folder in X3 Version 7 and later (DEPRECATED)

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How to delete a folder in X3? How can I remove a test folder? IMPORTANT NOTICE This document has been superceeded for later versions of Sage X3. See the online help " How to delete a Sage X3 folder with SQL Server "




Remove the end point:

  1. Make sure all users are out of the folder you want to delete.
  2. Log into your Sage X3 reference folder as Admin.
  3. Navigate to Administration, Administration, Groups.
  4. Click the edit button for a group that is tied to the folder that you want to delete.
  5. Under Endpoints click the trashcan icon for the folder that you want to delete.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Repeat steps 3-5 for each group tied to the folder you want to delete.
  8. Navigate to Administration, Administration, Endpoints.
  9. Click the action button for the folder you wish to delete.
  10. Click Delete.
  11. Click yes to the message "The record [folder name] will be deleted. Confirm?

Remove the folder from the console:

  1. Open the console and navigate to the Web Servers tab.
  2. Select the solution from the left list and click the Publications button at the top of the screen.
  3. Deselect the publication of the folder you wish to delete.
  4. Click Apply.
  5. Click the Print Server tab.
  6. Select your print server.
  7. select your solution from the left list and click the Publications button at the top of the screen.
  8. Select your solution from the main screen.
  9. Deselect the publication for the folder you want to delete.
  10. Click Apply.

Remove the folder from Windows explorer:

  1. Navigate to the folders\X3_pub directory. (typically the path will look like this Drive:\Sage\SAGEX3V7\[solution name]\folders\X3_Pub)
  2. Right click the folder you wish to delete and select Delete.
  3. Navigate to the \Folders directory.
  4. Right click the folder you wish to delete and select Delete.

Remove the folder from SQL:
Note: This will require the assistance of your database administrator and should not be performed without one present.

  1. Drop the logins referring to the folder you have deleted.
  2. Delete the tables referring to the folder you have deleted
    Note: You can filter by Schema name.
    Warning: Do not delete the system Tables folder from the SQL tables.
  3. Drop the users referring to the folder you have deleted.
  4. Drop the Schema referring to the folder you have deleted.
  5. If you wish to delete the database right click the database and click delete.

Confirm folder has been removed:

  1. Login to your X3 reference folder as admin.
  2. Navigate to Setup, General Parameters, Folders.
  3. If you see the folder you want to delete in the left list select it and click Delete.