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Restricting user access within Supplier records

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After an audit, we have been asked to modify the level of access some users may have to the supplier records, in particular to the bank details, this was due to a lack of separation of duties/responsibilities. We therefore no longer want to allow one of our users to be able to modify details within the supplier records, however we still want to ensure their access to other functions and level of access within those functions remains the same.


Existing users function profile has been setup to allow modification and creation of supplier records.


Create a copy of the existing User Function Profile and remove the option to amend a supplier record:

  1. Navigate to Parameters > Users > Users
  2. Use the left list to identify the user for whom you would like to add the restriction in the Supplier function
  3. In the main panel, under the general tab, locate the User Function Profile (XXX) and click on Jump To
  4. Modify the name of the Profile Code by adding a Z at the start (ZXXX), tab out of the field, click create
  5. In the left list, search and select the original profile code (XXX)
  6. From the right menu click on Profiles
  7. Click on Merging and then enter the newly created profile code (ZXXX) and click OK
  8. A message will pop up asking you to confirm if you would like the functions of profile XXX to added to the profile of ZXXX, click yes and await the completion of the Function Update
  9. From the left list search for the new profile code (ZXXX), this will bring up a list of all the function codes that have been assigned to this functional profile code – search and select GESBPS in the function code field of the left list

(Note if the left list search does not bring up the list for the new profile code, click on update from the right list)

  1. Under the List of Values section, delete the letters located under the Options column and click Save. Note, these letters dictate the scope of the user’s ability to interact within a function, for more information on what each letter allows the user to do, click on the action card and select Significance
  2. Navigate back to Parameters>Users>Users
  3. Locate the user for whom you would like to apply the restricted access in the Supplier function and change the User Function profile to ZXXX and click Save