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How To: Edit 1099 Codes or amounts for a Vendor

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How To: Edit 1099 Codes or amounts for a Vendor


To change a 1099 code:

  1. Go to A/P Vendors
  2. Select Vendors
  3. Select the Vendor with the issue
  4. Click on the Invoicing tab
  5. Select the correct 1099 code
  6. Click on Save
  7. Click Close

To allow editing of 1099 amounts:

  1. Go to A/P Set up
  2. Select Options
  3. Select Transactions Tab
  4. Check of Allow Edit of 1099/CPRS Amounts
  5. Click Save
  6. Click Close

To update a vendor's 1099 amount:

  1. Go to A/P Vendors
  2. Select A/P 1099/CPRS Inquiry
  3. Filter to Vendor(s)
  4. Filter to the incorrect 1099 Code
  5. Click on the double arrows (Go option)
  6. Note the information for all entries listed
  7. Filter to the correct 1099 Code
  8. Click on the double arrows (Go option)
  9. Press the Insert key to add a new line
  10. Enter the appropriate information for the detail line
  11. Repeat the previous 2 steps for each detail line
  12. Filter to the incorrect 1099 Code
  13. Click on the double arrows (Go option)
  14. Press the Delete key to remove the incorrect detail lines individually